Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Education In Ancient Greece

In Ancient Greece education was different in city. Here you will find 2 examples, Athens and Sparta. In Athens boys and girls were treated differently. The girls did not go to school in Athens, instead they stayed home and learned from their mother and the slaves. While the boys did go to school and and from a teacher, or more commonly a private tutor. They were taught to read, write count play the lyre, dance, and poetry. They did not use paper they mostly used scrolls or they memorized their lessons. In Sparta education was less complex than it was in Athens, in Sparta kid went to a military school. In Sparta at age 7 boy were taken from their families and sent to military school where they stayed. Girls were taught athletics to defend themselves. In school boys were taught to survive from cold and starvation and they were also taught to read and write. In school you were not aloud to be afraid. So as you can see in Ancient Greece there is a big difference between education in Athens and Sparta.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Government in Ancient Greece

Government in Ancient Greece was a lot different then it is now. You will see in this section 2 different kinds of governments in Ancient Greece , Athens and Sparta. Athens' government was very different from Sparta, for example it is more fair. In Athens any free male citizen would meet in the village and vote on matters of importance. They will also elect people into places of government. If someone is elected and has a job already they will keep it as a part time job. But in Sparta, thing are allot different. In Sparta there many levels of government. For example they had 2 king instead of 1. Along with the 2 kings there were 5 officers called ephors, and a council of 28 elders. In Sparta as part of the education young free men at the age of 6 were first to be in military school. Also in Sparta people were not aloud to vote , all the decisions were made by the government. As you can see some parts of Ancient Greece governments are different from our government now and some parts are the same.